Frequently Asked Questions

Does acupuncture hurt?


Very few people experience any pain from acupuncture treatments.

The sensation of acupuncture can vary from person to person. The insertion of the needle can feel like a small pinch or nothing at all. The other sensations that are reported include a tingling, heaviness, or traveling warmth at or near where the needle is inserted.

Once the needles are placed, the sensations cease and most people experience a high level of relaxation and may fall asleep during treatment. After the treatment, many patients feel extremely relaxed, peaceful or even energetic.

It’s been my experience that most people find acupuncture to be a much more benign and gentle therapy than their preconceived notions about it. Most people also have an aversion to hypodermic needles from vaccine or blood-drawing experiences. Acupuncture needles are very different from those; they are smaller, thinner, and inserted in a more superficial manner. Also, my training included the study of Japanese acupuncture styles, which promote a very gentle approach to treatment.

Is acupuncture safe?


The acupuncture needles are stainless steel, hair-thin, sterilized, and each needle is used only once. They are disposed of as biohazard material. Unless you have a metal allergy, acupuncture is a safe therapy.

Acupuncture needles are safe when they are administered in the hands of a properly trained and licensed acupuncturist. This includes training in a 3 to 4 year accredited program of study with clinical requirements, passing a national certification exam and, in Massachusetts, being issued a medical license. Please see my biography for those details.

How many treatments do I need?

The answer depends on how long you have been dealing with your condition.

As a rule, acute conditions can be addressed and resolved quickly. If the condition is chronic, in most cases, it will take more time to resolve the issue; if it took time for the body to develop this condition, it will then take time to bring the body back into balance.

Other factors also impact the success of acupuncture such as your general state of health, age, lifestyle factors, and your body’s particular resonance with this modality.

It’s my observation that most people respond well to acupuncture. We will schedule treatments according to the nature of your condition. As you improve, fewer visits are required. The effects of acupuncture are cumulative.

What should I expect during my first treatment?

Your first treatment will be an extremely relaxing experience.

A detailed medical history will be taken upon the initial visit and then you will be treated in a peaceful, comfortable setting on a massage table. The diagnostic tools an acupuncturist uses include: palpating or feeling the pulses along the wrists; observing the color, moisture and shape of the tongue; and gently palpating specific areas of the abdomen for responses and pressure.

This all provides important information regarding the balance of health and the state of the body’s Qi (energy) in each person. After this information is gathered, then an appropriate series of acu-points will be needled. The initial visit lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and a half. Subsequent visits are 1 hour long. It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Do you only use acupuncture needles during the treatment?

Not always.

There are several specialty techniques that may be used during treatment session, including moxabustion (heat), tui na (massage), cupping (suction), gua sha (scraping), auricular therapy (ear acupuncture), or electrical stimulation of the acupoints.


Monday: 4-8pm
Thursday: 4-8pm
Friday: 9am-8pm
Weekends: By appointment


80 Washington Square, Suite F-33
Norwell, MA

Contact Information:

Maureen Jordan, Lic. Acupuncturist